Monday, January 5, 2009


ASSALAMUALAIKUM W.B.T.Kali ni, aku nak highlightkan kedatangan satu menda baru dlm hidup aku, iaitu kereta aku sendiri...hehe...dah sampai Kemaman dlm lbih kurg seminggu gk la tp msih xleh jln lg sbb ade problem besor yg perlu di'settle'kan...Yg plg besor skali ialah brek...suspek utama skrg ni ialah servo brek yg dah xleh, bapak aku telah mengkontek penjual kereta ni iaitu En.Othman dan beliau dgn rela hati telah menderma servo brek yg baru...Di samping itu, mengikut En.Othman, sebelum ini, selama kereta tersebut dlm jagaan beliau, x pernah lg berlaku minyak bocor...hal ini juga turut menghairankan aku...mungkin sebab cok yg ditarik terlalu lama sebab nak pastikan enjin terus hidup dlm perjalanan membawa Volvo ini pulang dr KT ke Kemaman oleh abg aku...masa tu, enjin running 100% on battery power only as the alternator has failed to function...something that has not been noticed by En.Othman before because I think he only used the Volvo for short distance drive only during the car's last days wif him... ape2 pun, VOLVO 244GL sgt seronok untuk dipelajari sbb nak bwk kete ni mmg susah (bodi kotak, panjang n berat), sikit sbnyak, Volvo ni mengajar aku betapa org putih jauh lebih maju dr kita org Melayu...sbg contoh, kereta ni tahun 1981 (dah 28 tahun) tp dah ada O/D (overdrive) function...mcm gear lima la cuma kene tekan jer atas tombol gear tu...lagi satu, brek kereta ni direka kalo bwk laju, brek sket pun dh mkn n kalo bwk slow2 kne apply pressure kat pedal brek lebih sket...aku sniri pun x tw mcm mana org2 kat Volvo 28 tahun dulu dah tpiker mnda2 mcm ni...kete ni siap ader seatbelt warning lg utk driver...aku sniri pun x caye...igtkan bodo2 jer kete ni tp boleh dikatakan quite an engineering marvel for the time it was produced...n the car is still so brilliant that it keeps running after the past twenty-eight years as if there is nothing that could stop it from being a car...this car is definitely the one that has its own 'soul'...aku adalah pemilik ke-3 kete ni n im proud if i can keep this car for my next generation to see and to appreciate the beauty from the past...after all, VOLVO for Life...

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