Monday, December 3, 2012

7 Tahun Dia

Aku boleh menulis
Aku juga mampu menulis
Segala kerahsiaan resah-resah yang mendatang,
Tetapi, patutkah aku menulis?

Hari-hari sepi tanpa kehadiran kamu
Hanya satu menjadi pengubat rindu
Ya, isi hati kamu
Adakah rahsia?
Aku gila tertanya-tanya
Tetapi, mengertikah kamu?

Mari, aku beritahu satu cerita
Satu rahsia
Cinta itu seperti aku memandang langit
Dengan harapan kamu memandang ke arah yang sama
Di manapun kamu
Masih aku berharap kamu di sisiku
Menikmati keindahan Ilahi yang sama...
Cinta yang sama...
Raikanlah... Lepaskanlah...


Aku ingin mengajar kamu
Aku cuba mengajar kamu
Tapi kamu masih mentah untuk mengerti
Percayalah aku juga pernah merasai
Sekarang jalan sudah terbuka
Ruang sudah tersedia
Nah, bawakan ini
Aku hadiahkan kamu tinta pena dan nota
Agar pesanku sentiasa menemani kamu
Padamkanlah yang tercela
Kerana aku juga manusia

Bukan aku tak cinta
Pergilah, aku tak mampu mengejar lagi
Bas sudah bergerak, jangan tunggu aku
Tetapi aku tunggu kebahagiaan kamu...

Moga sentiasa terukir
Senyuman di bibirmu...

Tanda kebahagiaan
Yang menenangkan jiwaku...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Over the past 48 hours, I've only managed to get roughly 3-4 hours of sleep. It's a problem I've been having intermittently over the past few years. There's no telling which night(s) would be the sleepless one(s) because it seems that they might occur without a warning any given night. Still, I've never had a full-month of sleeping-problem-free since as far as I can remember ; my first sleeping disorder occurred when I was in form 2 or form 3, yes, during secondary school. It had happened for quite some time now and I somehow more or less got used to it already. For one whole week, I might have no trouble sleeping at all. Boom, the next day, Im a night owl. My sleeping problems have affected my memories as well (which might explain the reason I suck at memorizing mathemathical formulas and history lessons. lol). My memories are very inconsistent towards what's happening in my daily life. Due to those sleepless nights, my mind are usually very tired and tends to lose focus quite easily. Thus, limiting/slipped the amount of data stored inside.

Apart from that, my body is also taking its toll from this very problem. Slow response, lethargy, poor eyesight, etc. There are days when I try to keep active and play some hoops but the effect is just so massive  that rendered my body and joints too painful to even play the next day : not really like a 21-year-old.

I don't really know how long this problem would persist, but now I'm seriously considering some sort of sleeping pills to help me out. This has always been so stressful, but I hope one day it will be gone forever.